
The Hotel @ Tharabar Gate

Located in the enchanting region of Bagan you will discover the equally enchanting The Hotel @ Tharabar Gate. Offering luxury in the heart of this ancient land, a stay at The Hotel @ Tharabar Gate will not only offer you a truly comfortable stay but also superb access to the pagodas that scatter the fields of this city. Decorated in typical Burmese style, expect to find teak wood floors and traditional furniture throughout which give this hotel an authentic feel, while modern facilities and amenities mean your stay is still a luxurious one. While there is plenty to do in the nearby area of Bagan, the hotel has not neglected to provide guests with ample facilities and activities within its grounds to make your stay even more enjoyable – a spa, pool, bars, and restaurants are just some of the options offered to ensure you are kept entertained and all of your needs are met. To really get to know Bagan a stay at the The Hotel @ Tharabar Gate is essential.

The Hotel @ Tharabar Gate

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